dissabte, 24 d’abril del 2010


Babs posat la bufanda quan vajes per Malibú que ara per estes fexes fa un poqet de biruji! jajaj
Tal dia com hui de l'any 1942, el cel de Brooklyn es va il.luminar quan va arribar al món una nena que canviaria la història del cine i de la música i que faria feliç a milions i milions de persones amb la seua presència.
Que visca la Babs, ha canviat la vida de molta gent, i com no la meua.
Soc un poc més feliç cada dia sabent que la seua música sempre estarà per a que la pugam escoltar, i les seues pelis quedarán per a la posteritat, per fer-nos riure i plorar com només ella sap.

Visca la Babs i la mare que la va portar al món!!!

....James posat la bufanda que fa biruji en San Sebastián...
ciutat a la que estic molt agraida de que l'acollira un cap de setmana de l'estiu passat... San Sebastián 2009!! seeeehh


"we love you, hello gorgeous!" jaja

dimecres, 14 d’abril del 2010

Era fàcilment malinterpretable!

Si, si que et vaig telefonar, era jo, et volia contar el que m’acavaba de pasar, no va poder ser, va fallar la cobertura, ( maledida tecnología) en aquell momento et necessitava, havia de contar-li-ho a algu, i no vaig poder, se ma quedat dins, necessitava dir-ho, era necessari, i no va poder ser, no tenía valor per tornar–te a cridar, no fou sense voler, fou amb intenció, l’intenció de que m’escoltares, de que una amiga m’escoltara plorar, que em paralara, que em diguera que tot aniria bé, en eixe moment ho vaig necessitar, sí, no va poder ser, maleida tecnología, ja està, s’ha acabat, vaig entrebuscar als calaixos un poc de dignitat, no la vaig trobar, en fi, espere recuperar-la, i recuperar-me, sí, ho sé, sé que hem recuperaré !

Qualsevol nit pot sortir el sol.

dimarts, 13 d’abril del 2010

és suficient!!

No More Tears

It's raining, it's pouring

My lovelife is boring me to tears,
After all these years
No sunshine, no moonlight,
No stardust, no sign of romance
We don't stand a chance
I've always dreamed I found the perfect lover
But he turned out to be like every other man. Our love, our love

Raining (raining)
Pouring (pouring)
There's nothing left for us here
And we won't waist another tear

If you've had enough,
Don't put up with his stuff,
Don't you do it
If you've had your fill,
Get the check pay the bill,
You can do it

Tell him to just get out
Nothing left to talk about
Pack his raincoat show him out
Just look him in the eyes and simple shout

Enough is enough is enough
I can't go on, I can't go on, no more no
Enough is enough, is enough
I want him out, I want him out that door now

Enough is enough

If you've reached the end,
Don't pretend that is right
When it's over (It's over)
If the feeling is gone
Don't think twice just move on
Get it over (over, over)
Tell him to just get out, say it clearly, spell it out

Enough is enough is enough
I can't go on, I can't go on, no more no
Enough is enough is enough
I want him out, I want him out that door now

Enough is enough

I've always dreamed to find the perfect lover,
But he turns out to be like every other man
Our love (I had no choice from the start)
Our love (I've gotta listen to my heart)
Our love (tearing us apart)

Enough, is enough, is enough
I can't go on, I can't go on no more no
Enough, is enough, is enough
I want him out, I want him out that door now

Enough is enough

No more tears (no more tears)
No more tears (no more tears)
No more tears (no more tears)
No more tears (no more tears)
Enough is enough is enough is enough is enough is enough
I've had it, you've had it, he's had it, we've had it
Enough is enough is enough is enough is enough is enough
I've had it, you've had it, he's had it, we've had it

I always dreamed I find the perfect lover
But he turned out to be like every other man

I had no choice from the start
I've gotta listen to my heart
Tearing us apart

Enough is enough is enough
I can't go on, I can't go on, no more no
Enough is enough is enough
I want him out, I want him out that door now

Goodbye mister, goodbye, goodbye mister, goodbye sugar

It's raining, it's pouring
There's nothing left for us here
And we won't waist another tear

No more tears
Is enough is enough is enough is enough
Is enough is enough is enough is ENOUGH!!!